Welcome to Sadler Heath

Sadler Heath is an organisation established for those of us who want to take responsibility for their own long-term personal development and thought leadership by working together with like-minded people in a safe and supportive environment.
Sadler Heath is focused on people working in all types of organisations who want a permanent space independent of their organisation to support their long-term development and to provide them with support from others with a similar need.

Sadler Heath’s ambition is to be regarded by its members as a permanent, safe and richly rewarding “home”  where they can explore latest thinking, work together on their long-term development and experiment with new ideas and ways of working, thinking and relating and in which they can find and contribute to a strong mutual support within the Sadler Heath community.

The development of Sadler Heath and its community participants and contributors relies on a strong ethos of working together in an inter-dependent way. Sadler Heath exists to support this inter-dependent learning through access to events, materials, contacts and discussion.

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