Thu, 13th February, 2020 from 2:00 PM, in lewes
Facilitated by Charlotte Housden
Workshop outline
A highly experiential and practical workshop exploring how images can open up developmental conversations, enabling them to be more creative, emotional and focused on felt sense.
We will briefly cover a number of underlying theories and ideas that support this approach, including Photo Therapy, neuroscience, neuroplasticity and mindfulness. We’ll whizz by haptics – how working with objects can help development, and take a peek at individual differences in learning, comparing verbal and mental imagery systems. We’ll also explore metaphors, storytelling and play.
Together we’ll practice using photography for development through a number of interactive exercises. Our main tool will be Liminal Muse Conversation cards and we’ll use these to experiment with whether images could work for us in personal reflexivity, coaching or facilitation. ‘Liminal’ refers to the space between things and ‘muse’ to help encourage reflection. These cards have been developed by Charlotte, in partnership with Michelle Lucas, a coaching textbook author, over recent months and use her own photography.
About Charlotte – Charlotte has been in the field of occupational psychology and leadership development since the early 1990s, working in small and large consultancies and running leadership development functions in banks. She is currently faculty on the Nye Bevan programme for the NHS Leadership Academy and is also a photographer.
A few years ago, Charlotte came to realise that many of her work settings had been thinking, data driven and word-based. This inspired her to start looking at other ways of seeing, leading to explorations in mediation, transitional coaching and family and organisational system work. Her increasingly holistic approach to her work led her to exploring whether photography could be integrated into her people development work, by facilitating focus on feelings , creativity and imagination.
Date, time and venue
Date(s) - 13/02/2020
2:00 pm - 5:30 pm
lewes subud centre
26 station st
lewes, BN7 2DB